Between Two Curators
Join curators Jenn Ellis and Cliff Lauson as their love of all things artistic, inspirational, and creative connects them to amazing people. From art to astrophysics, and food to feng shui, they are on a mission to find out what makes creative people tick. @jenncellis and @clifflauson are London-based visual arts curators, who were recently nominated for an award for the driest sense of humour.[Artwork: Ambar-Maya Johnsson / Music: Pedro Velasco]
Between Two Curators
Opening Hearts and Minds with Yoga Pioneer Jordan Ashley
Jenn Ellis and Cliff Lauson, Jordan Ashley
Season 2
Episode 10
Yoga teacher and community builder Jordan Ashley tells us how to travel with a social conscience, live with compassion and kindness, and be of service beyond the pretzel poses. Jordan is founder of Souljourn Yoga Foundation, a charity that runs events and retreats in support of empowering and educating women.
@souljournyoga / souljournyoga.com
@jforjordanashley / jforjordanashley.com