Between Two Curators
Join curators Jenn Ellis and Cliff Lauson as their love of all things artistic, inspirational, and creative connects them to amazing people. From art to astrophysics, and food to feng shui, they are on a mission to find out what makes creative people tick. @jenncellis and @clifflauson are London-based visual arts curators, who were recently nominated for an award for the driest sense of humour.[Artwork: Ambar-Maya Johnsson / Music: Pedro Velasco]
Between Two Curators
Curators Talking About Curating
Jenn Ellis and Cliff Lauson
Season 1
Episode 1
Just what the heck is curating anyway? In their premiere episode, Jenn and Cliff talk about working with art and artists from two very different career perspectives. With a good dose of humour, they reflect on communicating and facilitating creative ideas, as well as their hopes, aspirations and dreams in episodes to follow. Super casual.